
A key leader in drawing

The ambition of Votat is to remain an essential partner on the area of small cut pieces with a thickness of 0.4 to 6 mm, in medium and large series.

For 150 years, our experience in drawing and our regular investments allow us to best respond to your problems. Our presses, punching machines, forming tools and our ability to shape equipment ensure that we satisfy all your demands for more or less complex shapes, while guaranteeing you extreme dimensional accuracy. Our design department is at your disposal for the research necessary to optimize your parts and design a dedicated tool.

We carry out different types of drawing: single, double, on all types of metals. Our design department designs the equipment to offer you the opportunity to reduce your production costs and deliver the product with required level of quality. The diversity of our machines (automatic presses and mechanical ones) allows us to develop custom drawing processes to find a solution to all your problems.

Opérateur entreprise découpe et emboutissage

Our production is intended for the DIY, construction, nuclear,
street furniture, automotive sectors, OEM, etc.

Our achievements

Drawing workshop

Joint pour chariot industriel

Joint for industrial trolley

Our design office collaborated on the design of a forklift engine mounting bracket for a customer in the Ile de France region. The proximity of our company, its human size and seniority were assets for our customer in choosing the supplier.
U de fixation cloison industrielle

Industrial partition fixing U

This galvanized steel part serves as a fixing for industrial partition for the building sector. It is produced in large series for a client in the west of France.
chausse courroie pour secteur automobile

Belt holder for the automotive sector

Our client located in PACA has developed with our engineering office a stamped and folded part, in zinc-plated steel, intended for mass distribution (GREEN LIGHT, POINT S)
pièce emboutie pour secteur sanitaire

Stamped part for sanitary sector

Part of our sheet metal workshop, with a combined punching machine and laser, specializes in parts with high appearance requirements. This shiny stainless steel sanitary part, for a client in Rhône Alpes, is produced in medium series.
Patte de fixation

Fixing bracket for air duct in the automotive sector

The complexity of stamping required a rapprochement between the two BE/Tools departments. This aluminum part intended for an automotive supplier in the top of France sold tens of thousands of pieces per month, therefore in large series.
pièce emboutie pour secteur bâtiment

Stamped part for the building sector

The design of the tools integrated into VOTAT was a significant asset in convincing the customer in Eastern France. The tool to follow was produced within a very competitive time/price. This part is made for the construction sector, in medium series.
plaque podotactile

Tactile plate

The family business Votat has produced a tactile plaque for a client in Oise. This part is mainly used for access paths such as pedestrian crossings and escalators. We use a stamping technique and work from stainless steel. Orders are made in medium series (around 1000 pieces).

Photocopier part

Sanitary accessory

Fixing brackets

Secteur automobile

Mounting brackets

Automotive industry

Stainless steel tip

Nuclear sector

Cleanliness plate


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